Another Email?

Recently, he asked a new question.  “Why would I want to be dominant?”, and I thought of Denying Thumper.  He had answered this question so well.  I just had to rephrase it for a male dominant and my situation.  THANK YOU THUMPER!! I’ve been thinking a lot about this “why is it a good thing … More Another Email?


He pushed my head down onto him and let me gag as he groaned.  He pressed just hard enough at my throat that I felt his power.  He flipped me over and gestured for me to ride him.  As things started to heat up, my brain began to race.  Would he let me cum?   Was … More Denial


I met a girl recently who’s history mirrored my own.  Since I don’t talk much about that particular part of my past, it was odd to quickly recognize myself in her.  A part of me wanted to reach out and tell her about how connected we were.  It took most of my control, during a … More Secrets